Friday, September 20, 2013

All media including commericials, news reports, and movies tie into the functions of mass communication; surveillance, correlation, cultural transmission, and entertainment.

In today’s society there are 4 different functions of mass communication; surveillance, correlation, cultural transmission, and entertainment. With mass communication no longer being straightforward or easily definable these 4 categories are used to break down mass communication. Correlation, surveillance, and cultural transmission are the 3 main functions and entertainment ties all 3 main functions together. Correlation is used by the media to help society better understand its role on a larger scale. Uggs recently released a commercial with pro quarterback Tom Brady in hopes it will change society’s view that Uggs are only for women. Uggs have always attracted more women buyers even though they’ve had a men’s line for just as long. They hope those who know who Tom Brady is will probably think that if Brady can wear them and look cool so can the average male. What was interesting however is that the commercial has Brady in different pairs of shoes that are “Uggs” but the commercial never in fact shows the brand name on his shoes. How does society know it’s not being tricked into just thinking he’s wearing Uggs when in fact he is not and only endorsing them. This is importantly tied into correlation because the media is hoping to change the beliefs of some society members that possibly thing male Uggs are not cool. Surveillance is mostly journalism stories that inform society about the events and issues occurring in the world. ABCNews did a report on the update of the navy yard shooting and the shooter on Thursday morning (9/19) which is also important because media is deciding which stories are important for society and the public to know about. ABC announced to the public that the navy yard was once again open and that the shooter (Alexis) was undergoing psychiatric testing due to “voices” he was hearing and the messages he left on his gun. The most intriguing part of the report was when the reporter informs the public that although Alexis claimed to be hearing voices and having microwaves keeping him up at night these reports were never taken up the chain of command to be further investigated. Lastly cultural transmission is showing the next generation or an immigrant the dominant culture and how to fit into society. The movie Coming to America has a great scene that demonstrates cultural transmission. The main character, Prince Akeem has come over to America from Africa and in hopes to try and fit in better with American society he tries talking to his boss about football. After describing football as a “contest” with an “oblong ball made of pig skin” and a “big H” his boss stares at him and tells him that if he wishes to keep his job to “stay off the drugs”.  Although Akeem is trying to allow American society to change him so that he can fit in it’s not working at all because people within American society as still looking at him oddly. It’s interesting how through socialization he is still not picking up on what is socially acceptable. The functions of mass communication play a huge role in everyone’s lives whether they notice or not and each function has its own special role to play.  (Tom Brady Uggs commercial) (Coming to America-Football Scene)

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrated that you read and understood the chapter through your definitions and excellent examples. The headline of the blog post, though very explanatory, did not flow well as a descriptive sentence. Instead of the semi colons and two different series of examples, consider rephrasing to simplify the grammar and wordiness of the sentence. The rest of the structure of the piece is very good, with an opener, description of each different type of media function, and then examples. I would, however, consider starting a new paragraph for each different media function to organize the piece a little bit better. Also, the post would have made more sense if each link for the example came right after the paragraph explaining the media function rather than putting all three links at the end. The main points of the piece were easily understood as the explanations of surveillance, correlation, cultural transmission, and entertainment and how those are demonstrated through mass media. I would, however, add more description and explanation of each media function as well as some more vocabulary from chapter one. For example, the definition for surveillance could have been elaborated and the term agenda setting should have been used in your discussion. Besides some more terminology, I do not think you need to add any more links because your examples and videos were very good. Be sure to look out for grammar errors and wordiness in future posts!
