Friday, November 29, 2013

Print and commercial advertising impact young girls self-esteem and body image. (Outline)

(Thesis Draft)  Over the years advertising has severely changed in how women are perceived. In the 50’s women were shown as submissive housewives who stayed at home to cook and clean. In the 80’s women were shown everywhere in bathing suits. At the change of the 21st century advertising towards women became that of displaying women as sex objects. They are barely clothed (sometimes even naked) with tons of makeup and a size 2 waist. Over the years young girls have become more self-conscious about their body image and suffer from a loss of self-esteem, all contributed to their exposure to this negative advertising of what a girl/women should look like. (Insert image here)

 The changes in advertising over the decades have more negative effects than good.
1.       Explain how advertising has changed over the years. (Use support from articles)
·         50’s, 80’s, 21st century
2.       Explain how the change in advertising has gone downhill to reflect the image of women.
·         What was different about each few decades.
·         With more use of sex appeal how this has changed the view of women.

In the most recent generation young girls have shown an increased rate in body image issues.
1.       Use support from articles to explain how young girls have more self-esteem issues in recent years.
·         Statistical information
·         Include a brief statement of my own opinion
2.       The use of what is considered “the perfect body” have contributed to most of the effects.
·         Use examples of make-up, weight (must be skinny), lack of clothing.
*Add advertising examples and images
*Insert expert interview here in reference to their opinion on the issues and if they feel it has effected them growing up as well.

Many people and companies have recently tried to stop or educate these negative issues.
1.       Support from interview with actress Jennifer Lawrence.
·         Talks about how she is “fat” for Hollywood but she won’t lose weight just to conform
·         Sends the wrong image to girls
2.       Dove commercial showing how the model has make-up put on and then the image is changed on the computer. *add commercial link
·         Proof of how we are expected to look like something that is virtually impossible because computers edit the images.

(Conclusion) Over the years women’s images in advertising have only gotten worse contributing to a huge problem that is very prominent nowadays. Although this is now an important issue that we should address and fix too many people are willing to ignore it and act as if it’s not a thing. Ask yourself if your own body image and how you perceive yourself has been influenced from the advertising you have been exposed to over the years even as a guy. Would you want your younger siblings or future children to have to go through the same thing?


  1. Overall, this outline was very good and is a great stepping stone to your final eportfolio. In your final draft, I would add more detail to your heading because although it is a sentence, it is very vague and I'm afraid it will not receive full credit. I like the idea of your topic- it is very interesting to track how the media's portrayal of women has correlated with women's drop of self esteem. Watch out for your first subhead because the details you have under it are not about the negative effects but rather the increasing negative exposure of women over the years.Though I know we are not required to use more than two images, I think it would be a great idea if you insert an image of women in the media for each decade you discuss in this section. Also, if you were looking for another source, the films Killing Us Softly (there are four of them) detail the negative portrayal of women in the media. The section on the affects on women seems very well thought out. Be sure to split up your three interviews on different subjects in this section. This next section was very insightful and a great idea- It is very interesting to talk about ways people are trying to stop this growing problem. Be sure to point out the hypocrisy in some of this though- sure Jennifer Lawrence may be against how the media portrays women, but she's still part of this because even if she doesn't think so, she is skinny and beautiful. The conclusion was a good wrap up. In your final, consider adding another sentence or two so you don't end on a question. The audio summary was very clear and articulate- well done.

  2. Amber does a really good job of outlining her final blog post. It is very useful to show how the perception of women in advertising has changed throughout the years as she will describe in her opening segment. When finding statistical information about young girls with body image issues it is important to make sure that there is a strong connection and it wasn't just the case of a bully but rather the fact they wanted to look like the advertisement. Another example you could use for your third section would be to bring up the fact that the "perfect" Barbie type of figure is impossible and the proportions would be impossible on a normal human. I found this study a little interesting in that it says that ads with plus sized models are unlikely to work. It may be an interesting angle you could talk about when you discuss how some companies are trying to combat these negative issues. You could potentially ask your expert on how they think things should be done in the future with advertisements.

  3. I thought the post overall was pretty good. I really liked the “Thesis Draft,” because it gave me a good eye opener on the subject of the topic. If I were you I would clarify and highlight your actual thesis, as I was a bit confused as to what the actual thesis was. I did understand that you are trying to research the “impact of advertising on young girls self esteem and body image by looking at commercial and print advertising.” While I really think your subject is interesting I would suggest choosing either print or commercial advertising and not both as it might seem like you are spreading yourself and the topic too thin. Also, I know I had a problem with trying to find out or research something new to bring to the table, what I am trying to say is bring a new idea to the table that makes the reader think about media and self esteem in young women. I would suggest looking into the feminist movement and especially Gloria Steinem, who also was recently presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama. I think presenting efforts made by women addressing self-esteem of young girls in media could add to the overall final project. Also another idea I thought would be interesting is addressing the change in media such as “plus sized” models and how media might be changing although it may seem slow efforts are being made. Last, I would even try and divulge what females can do for their selves to not fall in the “trap” of what the media wants them to believe.
